Tuesday, August 30, 2011

10 Day Challenge - 8 Fears

Ok, so my 10 day challenge may not be consecutive days. 8 fears… interesting thing to think about…

1. Top on my list right now is my foot and that it won’t heal soon and I won’t be able to run the half marathon
2. Being too conservative in my actions on some things and not going out on a limb.
3. Friends not knowing the Gospel because I’ve been too afraid/lukewarm/lazy to share.
4. Haunted Houses (you’ll be hard pressed to find me at one)
5. Horror movies (don’t ask me to watch one unless you want me sitting in your lap clawing your arms)
6. Becoming prideful and forgetting where all my blessings come from
7. Losing close family and friends
8. People jumping out and scaring me (fists start flying, tears ensue, I hate it!!)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

10 Day Challenge - 9 Loves

Today, nine loves.  I'm leaving off the obvious, family, friends, God, etc, those are a given.

1. I love texts, notes, emails, calls that let you know someone is thinking of you. It really is the thought that counts, just put a little effort with it to let someone know you are thinking of them.

2. I love a really good movie that draws you in. I don’t watch many movies, so if I’m going to spend two hours of my life in front of the TV, I want it to be worth it.

3. I love running. Well, that’s a bit of a lie. I love how running makes me feel after it’s over, and I love knowing I did it.

4. I love the farm. Wide open land, it’s the best.

5. I love cows. Working with them, feeding them, looking at them, weird I know.

6. I love spaghetti. Love it so much I try to rarely make it because I don’t have good control.

7. I love the heater in my office… you could hang meat in there

8. I love giving… money, time, food, a compliment, a card, a surprise gift… is there any better feeling?

9. I love fall… football, county fair, horse show, cooler weather, did I mention football???

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Do you ever struggle during your quiet time, struggle to figure out what Paul is talking about and how it relates to you? That’s where I was last night, trying not to let my mind wander, but trying to stay focused on what I was reading, but it was a struggle. I stopped, prayed for help in focusing, for help from the Holy Spirit to get something out of what I was reading, and I started again, still not really getting all that Paul was saying. And then there it was, the part that was meant for me last night. The part that made me stop and think, about recent conversations with friends, about how I’m living my life, about my priorities, and about blessings from God, not material blessings, but those huge blessings offered to all Christians.

2 Corinthians 3:15-18

15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

There I had just asked the Spirit to help me focus, to show me something, and what is just a bit down the page, how the Spirit provides us freedom, what a blessing… how we can be transformed into Christ’s image. That’s what I want to be. Glory be to God for answered prayers and His Word that helps me focus and reset my mind.

10 Day Challenge - 10 Secrets

I’m trying to jump back into the blogging and I’ve now seen 2 blogs I follow doing this Hello Happiness and Happily Ever After, that’s enough to make me jump on the train. So, here we go with ten secrets…

1. Sometimes I wear yoga pants to work and pretend they are nice black pants (probably not a secret to my trendy co-workers)

2. I still have painter’s tape up in my house from before I moved in over a year ago. I’m afraid if I take it down, you will be able to see lots of messy marks.

3. I want a room of my house to be a room where people could write on the walls. I still may paint the back of my front door in chalkboard paint, I think it would be efficient, think of seeing my day’s to-do list as I walk out the door.

4. I think I want to teach high school at some point before I die.

5. I do not want to marry a man that wears a suit every day (I don’t know why)

6. I hate driving over bridges.

7. I sometimes pretend my eyes are lasers and can burn thru whatever I’m looking at (I know that ends in a preposition, but I’m not really sure what to do about it)

8. I want to do a week-long Facebook fast (this shouldn’t be hard, right??)

9. I was so excited about participating in last night’s Fantasy Football draft, I left work early and turned down trivia at the Mexican restaurant (but who got her man, Vick, that’s right, me!!)

10. Even though I think it’s bizarre to write your thoughts out for the whole world to read, I really wish I had a few more followers of my blog.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I'm Loving Wedneday! - After an Extended Blogging Vacation...

I’ve been out of the loop for a while, so what better way to jump back in than “What I’m Loving Wednesday” I have lots to love this week.

1. I'm loving a week full of friends and family. Dinner with the family last night, trivia with friends tonight, supper club tomorrow night, football Friday, and something fun Saturday. What more can a girl ask for!

2. I’m loving this book that I finished last night. I want to do a full review on it later, but for now, let’s just say it’s challenging and it’s good, and you should probably read it.

3. I’m loving that Friday night is the first official high school game of the season!! I think I’ve mentioned it before, but high school football is my absolute favorite, and I can’t wait to watch a big game in my high school stadium, “The Pit”

4. I’m loving the chat I had with God last night, where I (once again) committed to turning everything over to Him…

Jeremiah 29:11
5. I’m loving pinterest.com Have y’all seen this sight, where you can just gather some of your favorite pics and such and put them on boards? I love creative people who think up such things!  One thing I added to my board today was this outfit perfect for game days... Go Vols!!

perfect for game day
6. I know lots of you are always loving your boyfriends and husbands…well, that’s nice and all, but I have a different man brightening my week. My sister is in town, and so I’ve had some quality time with her and my nephew, Will.  I'm loving that boy!

Head on over to This Kind of Love and tell what you are loving today!